If you’ve been on our sister website TRI247.com you will no doubt have heard of the Castle Series of triathlons. The same team responsible for those events have a running festival. Running through the grounds of Penshurst Place on Sunday 27th June this family friendly event will feature four races, a 10k timed off-road run and three colour runs: 5k, 3.5k and 1k.
Located in Kent, Penshurst Place offers an amazing backdrop for a running festival, as with most of the Castle Series events, the location is very important. Taking place in stunning locations makes the day a next level experience.
Welcoming all ages and abilities, so whether you’re looking to grab a PB or just run, walk or dance to the finish line, there’s a race for you.
You can pre-register your interest: https://in.njuko.com/crs-penshurst-place-register-my-interest
The Castle Series team, who have hosted industry-leading triathlon, multisport, swim, cycle, run, colour and obstacle races since 2009. All their 2021 events will be run in line with government guidelines and will be socially distanced where required.
We hope this is part of a wave of real world events coming back into the calendar for 2021. let’s get out there and get supporting the events world as they look to put on some great races and welcome us back to more normal race calendars.
Find out more at their website here.