UPDATE: inov-8 double up their donations
Today, for one day, inov-8 are DOUBLING their donations to tree planting. This means 10% of every sale today will go to Cumbria Wildlife Trust to support their carbon reduction projects.
To tie in with this, we have renamed today Green Monday, rather than Cyber Monday.
It’s that time of year! Crazy deals to part you from you’re hard earned cash. inov-8 has put a green twist on this year’s Black Friday by promising to donate 5% of all sales towards planting trees.
The Lake District based brand – who specialise in running, hiking and fitness gear – have teamed up with Cumbria Wildlife Trust, a local voluntary organisation devoted to the conservation of wildlife and wild places in the county.
The money donated will be spent on the trust’s carbon reduction projects, which include planting trees and restoring peatbogs.
Michelle Waller, Senior Development Officer for Cumbria Wildlife Trust, said: “Planting trees and restoring peatbogs are our best weapon against climate change because they lock away harmful carbon dioxide, so that it doesn’t leak back into the atmosphere.
“Healthy peatlands full of bogs are actually the UK’s largest carbon store – they lock away 28.5 million tonnes of CO2 in the Lake District alone.

“The money received from inov-8 customers’ Green Friday purchases will help us maintain these special peatlands, plant more trees, and keep carbon locked away.”
inov-8 COO Michael Price added: “We need to get a grip on climate change together. The stark truth is there is no Planet B, only Planet A, so we must all play our part to protect it.
“We’re delighted to be teaming up with the Cumbria Wildlife Trust and hope a successful Green Friday sales period will result in us making a significant donation in support of their fantastic work.

“As a brand, we have put sustainability at the heart of everything we do and will continue to look for new, innovative ways to play our part.”
inov-8’s Green Friday sale starts today (Friday November 20th) and features items – including shoes, clothing and bags – at up to 70% off. Go to www.inov-8.com/green-fridayFind out more about how Cumbria Wildlife
Trust is protecting the wildlife and wild places of Cumbria at www.cumbriawildlifetrust.org.uk