Tickets are free for the National Running Show in Birmingham during the month of August. You can claim your free ticket HERE. It takes place on the 25th and 26th of January 2020.
Among the many great speakers at Birmingham are Steve Cram, 80s legend of middle distance running, Dean Karnazes, endurance machine with possibly the most muscley legs we’ve ever seen (see our interview HERE), Rhys Jenkins, first Welsh person to complete the infamous Badwater Race who we featured this week, legend of double rounding Nicky Spinks, eccentric race director of the Barkley marathons, Lazarus Lake, and women’s world 100 mile record holder Camille Heron. Phew!
You need more reasons to go? There are also 250 exhibitors, so you can geek out at running kit to your heart’s content. Oh, and again, it’s free if you get your ticket during August.
There’s also the National Running Show in London, which takes place on the 13th and 14th June 2020. Here the speakers announced so far will include Dame Kelly Holmes (read the interview she gave us on running her first marathon), legend of the 400 metres Roger Black and popular endurance runner Susie Chan (who also contributed to our first marathon series). Many more will be added and there will be something to interest every runner.
I went to the first National Running Show and it had all of the great things about going to a big marathon expo (loads of kit to look at, nutrition to try and a really good and varied speaker line-up). However, you don’t have the down side, which is actually having to run a marathon the following day. And you don’t have to worry/moan about being on your feet for too long or eat carb-based snacks every 20 minutes (unless you want to). For me that’s a win-win.
Find out more about the Birmingham and London events on their website.